Museum of the Bible and Codex Climaci Rescriptus
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Description and story coming soon! Stay tuned.
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Description and story coming soon! Stay tuned.
Green sustainability is all the rage today, but we’ve got nothing on our fanatically recycling medieval predecessors. They carefully and page-by-page took apart books, scrubbed some pages to create clean (an ebay listing might say “gently used”) parchment for new pages in new books; other pages, perhaps not so gently used, became filler for the…
Picture from: Description and story coming soon! Stay tuned.
Picture from: Description and story coming soon! Stay tuned.
Picture from: Description and story coming soon! Stay tuned.
Picture from: The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 and during the few years following was one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of modern times. Their importance and value was recognized at their first identification, and with the passing of time they have become singularly iconic. Extensive documentation with film began in…
Picture from: Description and story coming soon! Stay tuned.