120mm f/4.5 Macro UV-IR Apochromat
The MegaVision 120mm f/4.5 Macro UV-IR Apochromat is an innovative view/technical camera lens that incorporates both floating element and advanced UV-VIS-IR apochromatic color correction technology.

After setting focus in visible light, no refocusing is necessary for either ultraviolet or infrared imaging, thus enabling extremely precise color channel registration in multispectral applications.
Six ED glass elements and one aspheric element are used to achieve an unprecedented level of performance for multispectral documentation, forensics, scientific imaging, and fine-art photography.

The excellent color correction is also valuable in visible light photography because it completely eliminates the purple fringing suffered by other lenses in high contrast outdoor scenes. The adjustable floating element, unique among view camera lenses, ensures superb optical correction at all object distances.
Focal length | 120 mm |
120 mm | Aperture range: f/4.5 to f/45 |
Aperture range | f/4.5 to f/45 |
Waveband | 320 to 1100 nm |
Image circle | f/4.5 70 mm |
Image circle | f/16 100 mm |
Length | 118 mm |
Max. diameter | 75 mm |
Weight | 726 grams |
Min. object distance | 0.47m |
Max. image scale | 1:1 |
Shutter: | Copal #0 |
Digital shutter may be powered and controlled over USB using Photoshoot Control software or other applications. While the digital shutter integrates seamlessly with MegaVision’s digital backs and is incorporated into the EV camera, MegaVision PhotoShoot Control software enables shutter operation with other digital backs and in other capture environments.

The UV-IR Apochromat is available with either a standard or digital copal-0 shutter
Who is it for?
Institutions and individuals who aim to achieve an unprecedented level of performance for multispectral documentation, forensics, scientific imaging, and fine-art photography.